Closeness vs Distance
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- Category: Awareness
- Last Updated: Monday, 16 January 2017
- Hits: 1242
Some key factors relating to closeness versus distance are;
Acceptance vs Resentment
Cultural beliefs and value differences
Amounts of trauma and being misunderstood vs amounts of love and understanding
Purity vs Impurity of spirit, dark vs light energies within and/or perceived through one's eyes
Energies by spiritual beings which might be thought of as dark:
Material possession, money, fame, pride, envy, shame, ridicule, hate, fear.
Energies by spiritual beings which might be thought of as light:
Love, passion, nature, natural things not man-made, plants, connection, awareness.
Distance spiritually depends hence on which value sets are at play and the emotions that manifest based on such distance in perception of what is worthy of interest.
Moral equations are complex, both internal and external, as in bigger energy fields covering realms of conscious versus unconscious. They might exist of a sum of suffering as a whole in any dimension, hence be a set of how much damage we do to each other, to nature seeing the planet as a being, and what distances us in spirit.
Also in the complex set of beliefs we hold about each other when truth is up for grabs to whomever plays the information-game and propagate said news or incidents in colorings of what they promote, hence either being of conscious or unconscious dimension of appearance. This thus manifests as a sum of energies how I perceive this planet and life in general.
So realms of existence hence is experienced as a combination of the whole force field above of value sets and it goes sometimes in different energy directions based on actions taken and how they are perceived thus if perceived in a bad manner one generates a negative blackhole effect in the quantum soul, also which could be potentially measured down to dna, who knows. Or organs as some propose with esoteric knowledge, there are many interpretations, just listing some thoughts.
Reflections On Cultures
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- Category: Awareness
- Last Updated: Monday, 16 January 2017
- Hits: 1325
People have a vast set of different cultural properties and heritage as most know, still many are influenced by major news sources, marketing and media channels around the world. These are my own reflections, not necessarily a general representation, since I have no idea how exactly things are for others wherever they are in the world, just from my own view into the world from here, and from my personal experience.
The Western Countries
The Western cultural situation, where thematically we've seen a lot of focus on both mainstream and explorations of sub-stream and underground reflections on life and what it is supposed to be, has been revolving around both decadence and a bit of sordid conditions lately, combined with the lustful and exploring one's desires.
Movies And Media
The degree of violence and exploitation happening in different media, like movies, often reflects a marketed "state of things" as to what sort of attitudes we are supposed to have, which sometimes are worth questioning. Yet in the entertainment industry these situations are nothing new, some find pleasure in powertrip type movies, and where there is evolution in thinking and how we relate to the world at large, yet some are very centered around the dangers of some evolutionary concepts, which I for one feel lack conscious reflections on potential and interconnectedness around the world with the larger world and all areas.
...include graphs of areas which I saw earlier, what people think about and google for in different areas, but also how social situations and culture currently is represented around the world, my idea with this article is reflecting on how one can tune better the co-existence culture-wise across the world, bringing in higher awareness and consciousness in the correlational thinking in culture, knowing many parts of the world have different views on what is going on lately, and where things could be going forward, to see what could be some new steps on a path of a more functional state of understanding each other and bringing learning and thriving to a new level where it can be done. Basically I think there are ways we could improve our understanding of each other across the globe and attain a higher functional state as a whole world, united with less difficulties and stress, yet different and keeping our cultural wishes intact, opening for new ways to explore eachother's cultures and learn to communicate better, to do better reflections on what could be needed where, and of course recognize the areas that need no external influence either, as noone likes to be forced to be different, yet we wish for less suffering, I at least have that wish to see a human evolution towards that, and more altruism in the way we understand each other, across regions and with all implications there exist of this.
Vaccines & Awareness
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- Category: Awareness
- Last Updated: Monday, 16 January 2017
- Hits: 2975
What do you know about vaccines?
Most people that have medical knowledge also knows that many simple vaccines do work and help hinder spread of many wellknown illnesses which have plagued humans across history.
The good ones that we know work versus the ones some are uncertain about, it is always a personal evaluation IMO, but I think some vaccines are a must to combat some spreads of wellknown diseases.
Some into extreme religions or otherwise alternative but related beliefs around both vaccines and other ways of combating illness might have some relevance, yet we do see that some are very pro-vaccines and others are strong resistance from it.
What vaccines usually consist of:
Ingredients which contain signatures to known bacteria or virus infections, but that have been disabled from being able to spread (hence some see it as foreign substances they do not wish to put in their body), but if you know a fact or two about the human body, you should also know that the amount of actual _human_ cells in your body is a miniscule extreme minority compared to different cultures of both good and bad bacteria and even also virus operating in micro level throughout your living organism, there are in all adult human being already a vast set of cultures of micro control, it is the good blood cells, that cause inflammation and distress when wishing to attack something unknown to them, and the introduction of a substance which usually is the key component in vaccines, are to teach the blood cells how to respond, so they know better what to do if a bigger amount of actually _active_ dangerous viruses or bacterias should enter from either air or touch or other means of transfer. Hence it is a known way of combatting disease before it is a fact.
The other side of things: Some do have almost superstitious beliefs around certain viruses and bacterias, education of what they really are is key to conquer ignorance on such topics, investigate the origins and the history on them to know what they really are, or live in ignorance, some are patented too, the constructs of biological warfare makes one wonder sometimes how and where some of these beliefs emanate, I remember f.ex. the Ebola virus fear, from the movie "Outbreak" years ago, did that set itself as a memory from there? As the virus itself is registered and patented in the US and all sorts of mind control has been directed in all directions particularly later years. Anyway, there are many ways of combating the fear of disease versus the protection against them.
The Tamiflu incident, made a lot of people more sceptic towards vaccines as it was the whole swine-flu and bird-flu wave of fear-propaganda that drove lots of money to the makers of these vaccines, how many do you know who actually got the disease? Also some other vaccine-incidents have made some more skeptic to some vaccines and their purpose, but nevertheless, there are a lot of very normal diseases that are from trackrecord throughout history; treated well with simple vaccines. Do the math?
If you're a hardcore "purity" addict, there are different people into this too, one large group of people which have some very interesting concepts of both what is going on, and what one can do to achieve the best possible bodily state etc, are the guys at Innerstanding, Sevan Bomar and his quest for opensource spiritualism and interdimensional matrix states and time-relative information processing, intriguing interpretations which some seem sound, but all is relative to what you believe or wish to believe in of it, of course an individual choice.
Others are into making this "liquid silver" which is said to purify and remove any impurity from one's body, I find it too extreme for me to even try, but some articles say they've had had success also in Africa with similar attempts of cleansing internally, remain skeptic though.
A lot of herbal remedies do exist for a lot of things, they might not be any true answer, and be very aware that the price of substances on some of these products are extremely overpriced and same substances can be gotten from natural things you could get at a local grocery store in just about same amounts if eating a more healthy diet, yet some of the supplements are highly concentrated and a few might have some benefit, they shouldn't in my opinion replace the necessity of some general vaccines, though.
One could see other changes though, in the medical arena, when it comes to early detection and cure technology,See this article on "local medicine printing" and also there might be new ways of quick discovery and treatment ahead with personal care devices for keeping your own body in "check" and more healthily working. Ray Kurzweil also has some thoughts, even if some consider him to be a bit extreme on that.
Raising Consciousness
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- Category: Awareness
- Last Updated: Monday, 16 January 2017
- Hits: 2919
1.the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings.
2.a person's awareness or perception of something.
Use of language, emotions, and tainted information:
A lot of confusion can be created, unfortunately, with use of language. Some have used language to create a lot of trauma, others have used language to empower people. Here are some historical misinterpretation examples.
Judging by language and emotional terrorism, it has taken a bad turn for a while, all depending on who you are and where you are perceiving it, the language used in communication can be tainted and made to steer, disempower and control in many ways, we are dealing with a time of InfoWars, but also the knowledge of what that is, could increase your consciousness level: When judging something, or promoting the fear of any directional state a history takes over time, you are actually contributing to making it true, hence some are quite good at this information tactic today, others are not, and fail to comprehend that facts aren't before they actually have happened while fear from propaganda is taking part in manifesting the fear of something, while again could, worst case, bring the actual event into reality. Premonition might be seeing a future, OR seeing a possible future, and knowing that it is just one of many outcomes to promote the fear of it is taking part in setting a path, which could be very wrong.