
Random Idea Rant

Random ideas for future things with no particular editing in text. I know I need to get better at writing texts and illustrate, later.

Better solar power might come soon with the evolution of materials and more that amongst others MIT is doing, these types of materials can be put in window-shielding, on rooftops to divert heat away from buildings and into electric power.

Printing of organic items will move ahead, we might be able to grow things more rapidly, also some are against GMO and I understand, they think all natural and stuff, but we can modify nature to work for us, instead of working against nature with what we're doing with oil/fracking. Sidetracked since summer last year, no question.

What we want to see? self-modifying materials, Magic Leap "fake" reality into our fields of vision, screens will be obsolete as we program that directly into vision wherever we wish to have it, cellphones is a silly small device which has an extremely limited surface of attention, it makes people depressed in general to look downwards, scientific fact.

We can see/read/hear emotions, frequencies from surroundings, become so much more than simply human capabilities of current old-system beliefs of what is possible, some are seemingly against it which I feel is pure ignorance, nothing else, what they think is of course what they should be allowed to think, and first when things come about, then they might change opinion, people aren't necessarily seeing things clear here, I know.

Exo-suits are getting further but mostly related to military, yet many things of military purpose will/could be rather put towards friendly use and recreational use, exo-suits that could make us have "superpowers" and maybe in some ways combat gravity itself, and fly. Hmm, we'll see if we can get there, but with mechanics we could jump buildings if we so desired.

Cleaning up oil spills could be done in many ways, some ideas already present like certain bacteria that eat it and which one can dispose of later.

Garbage that we make and throw in piles, well those piles can be re-cycled into 3D printing material and on a nano-level sorted, as a friend of mine said. This might be coming.

Constructs of areas with poorer conditions, as I saw this documentary with some skyline transport, what if we had silent drones with no military purpose but civil transport, human carrying and merchandise/food carrying via new vessels not only made for recreation, some have worked at that but the current drones are noisy little bees aren't they, and the hostile warmachines, well we wish for less of that kind of drone-stuff, the difference then would be f.ex. with devices of detection of friendly versus hostile drones in general, and elimination of hostile, detection from distance, hmm yeah, figure it out.

Places where people do ignorant stuff like pressure and move around people in warzones, hurt local populations and act as world-police in ignorant ways, well there could be an evolution in how we manage these areas better, faster building of new space to comfort people and where people can live is one thing, another is disabling hostile entities wherever they think they can terrorize the world with ignorant stuff like unnecessary suffering and violence wherever it happens. Let those that terrorize taste their own medicine? To learn? I don't know yet, we'll figure out something FUN there.

A bit-torrent-like system of working structures, scrap that everyone wants the old fashioned style democracy, it won't work everywhere we already know it, it seemingly serves the rich best to sell that as a trick to "own" people on the street, laws and regulations, patents and more hinders human evolution sometimes, where does it happen? And can we get to the source of those problems, these controlling fools of money mongering and power. This bit-torrent like system would be a sum of different systems having worked in the past and why they have failed, what is good and bad with them, and hence a better fit would be to learn from all of these to find the best fit system based on any local criteria anywhere how people wish to have it in any region of the world should be key here, not what the controlling elite "thinks" everyone wants.

Ok, just a rant a random fashion..


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