World Builder Strategies

Strategies of minds who wish to change the world through information and learning "how things work in a multidimensional reality. No hocus pokus in this, it is simple logic. Either one awakens or one walks around asleep. If you believe the Matrix is real or not doesn't matter, as the strategies underneath might make sense for any general audience:


Being part of solutions vs part of problems

The simple key concepts:

  • Finding conscious channels of expression
    • Fear mongering news: Spread towards organizations / people who actually can do something about it.
    • Problems anyone face in any area: Spread towards organizations / people who can change them.
  • Spreading information and news of developments
    • Finding sources of what you feel are conscious directions, based on your preferences of which direction you wish the world should go towards, and sharing these.
    • Spreading positive vibrations through spreading solutions to problems, like technological developments, scientific positive discoveries etc.

Interdimensional Focus

Learning to think as an interdimensional

Everything has dimensions:

News seen as energy controllers and oppressive entities: News wish to tell you what "really happens" in an area, it could be anywhere you are at any given time, somewhere you have been, or maybe related to someone you know even, or an area you have an interest in, fear news f.ex. play on your ability to feel scared, your emotions of sorrow and grief, attacking your ability to cope with reality based on propagation of such dimension of f.ex.. ignorance: "everything is bad and we're going to die" stuff, or like "omg someone are being killed" which is easy to feel emotionally horrified by of course, but to know is to see this interdimensionally, that in an alternate level of awareness, which one can attempt to transcend / ascend to maybe this would NOT happen again, that is, to see that in the lower realms of thinking and cultural conditioning, you're being told what to think, what to do, but in a higher level awareness, you're an interdimensional being either you believe in this or that God, if you believe in light or darkness or any construct there of. at lower realms these energies are confused and in a directional unhealthy state, but learning to think interdimensionally could change this state towards something better, by "going towards the light", that is, your light, and realizing that some just wish to go the other direction, them about that right?

Always we will have probably levels of both light and dark controlling each other in this dynamic reality, and I've been pondering how many different spirals there are, the whole conundrum of "red" vs "blue" and more, so I drew this sketch to illustrate configurations, maybe something could be computed from how all this are controlling each other and possibly resolve some energies where suffering and wrong things happen between these spirals, learn from the past to see better solutions for a common more balanced future:

[sketch coming soon]

You have to believe in reality to be real, and that is fine, we all do that as to function and care for other individuals, but learning the real truth about dimensions is a way of thinking further than just perceiving stories and being emotional about them, it is thinking further than to distantly care for something or someone, as we can all go through multiple states of this awareness over time anyway. Being real would then to me be seeing a light in darkness, in the escape from old constructs of thinking, to grow one's awareness of "what really is going on" in other places, still caring for friends, families and all that, but realising another truth which is the matrix.

Simulation or assimilation, sometimes you can wonder what is being pushed onto us of constructs, making us feel ashamed, blames and lies of what is "real", why we should be angry and upset, why we should be in revolution to something, etc. This too can be addressed and dealt with differently, as you see people go to the streets to demonstrate, and ignorance happening like police brutality, racism, violence, "assorted sins" basically in the lower realm, but to be aware of a different truth might be to see that as potential states where things fail, and go away from that, choosing to change from that perception, even in a horrible system dysfunction one can thus shift one's reality dimensionally by spreading solutions, not problems, seeing "news" and "events" perceived by your eyes and brain as "real". Yes they are as real as you let them be, and if there are things happening to friends and family it is trauma generating, hence it is a lower realm and trauma goes into the cosmic soul, which is why people in old ways of thinking are told that life is just about suffering and to learn from traumatization f.ex.

Social constructs are based on some principles of truths and moral truths, which is why religion has become such a topic from my dimensional position. To me the truths there are more of a good vs bad within all of total darkness and pure light as a spiral force, something I am trying to contribute some awareness of, how I see it through the space/time drama of "life" and what it is.

Some references to interdimensional and different thinking I've gotten ideas from from listening to talks and shows by "Innerstanding", which some of it I felt useful for this thinking, as I've experienced time in this dimensional understanding, even if these guys take it further into other structures and words, which I guess people can believe in or not based on what people think anyway. Check "Innerstanding" here if you wish.