Changes Of Interaction

I see some talk about the spread of corporate solutions for communication through cheap computers and cellphones around the world, and some fear mind-control tactics through those medias, as well as the potential for technologically dominated warfare methods through these networks around the world.

Another better possible change coming soon enough, is a potential for greater connection with the actual world outside of screens you look at on a flat panel.

Technologies like Microsoft Holo Lens and Oculus Rift 3 and others to come, probably will be too costly for many to have/use and maybe be something for richer people than "most people" in the world, and I know some are skeptic to it with all sorts of judgements around implications of what it is and what it means to  them. Google Glass was to many a flop, and maybe these are not the perfect next step but a step on the road to something else.

I see that with easier to wear devices one could have the potential to be a lot more present in the world and experience it in so many new ways, it is not to me about consumerism and economy or 3D modelling or creation as some market through what it will be capable of doing, but it is much more a potential for a whole new way of thinking interaction, between young and old, between places in the world and for reduction of ignorance f.ex. in judgement of people other places in the world from wherever, as it would not be a constructed story from some propaganda influenced and value-influenced system of judgement, but an actual real time connection in synchronicity with the actual state of anywhere in the world.

I will write a lot more on this topic later, and I aim towards doing some experiments with coming technology and follow this up, stay tuned! Internet might not be what we know it to be pretty soon, something completely different might be coming and will be less dominated by disbelief as some of the internet has been able to negatively produce for some, well, there are lighter sides of this potential, and we're connected in different states through the net, but it will be different.



Democracy Done Better

I've seen the propagation of what has to many been seen and thought of as a symbol of humane victory, namely the beloved system of  Democracy. In this process though, a good few particular errors have been made, as in the style of democracy we have had in Norway, and what I have seen in USA, is that it has been both partially corrupted and focused around money and security, not security for the people the government is serving, but serving of big capital and the security of the controllers fearing too much change, fearing bettering of structures and hence getting the very opposite in structures collapsing.

There is a vast set of data from each area of any society as to where problems are, and the way politicians have been fighting each other and postponing radical positive changes while being too obsessed with who is right or wrong, governments have been working behind the scenes against themselves, in the thought that it was to protect themselves from the people they were put to serve, and 2much2process little options for the actual people making up the scenery of humane thriving across the planet. A deception has been taking place.

Proposition For A Better Democracy

Where there are concrete problems, the key would be to find shortest path to who can alleviate said problem, and propose a votable change linked directly to whom will be in charge of said change and responsible to make it happen.

Where there are new ways of bettering conditions, the same as above, with which entity, whether it be an organization, corporation or otherwise, linked to presenting solutions votable on.

We could have different solutions for different areas, as any area of the world has also different needs, cultures and wishes to preserve cultural aspects, but not have a system where a few, often lobbying against their citizen and using money-driven tactics to control their people, instead a meeting in between where governments would take more charge of the process of the above voting mechanisms without hidden motives of monetary gain or corruption, thus if feasible regaining some trust from the citizens they serve.

A democracy spreading conscious actions and how to solve situations would be one aware of the old systems of failure, seeing at any region of the world which levels of which belief systems and rulesets are corrupted by evildoers, and not for the people that live in the said regions, and the idea would be to spread culture-specific solutions tuned into what would fit in any dimension where culture has been corrupted by money, to infiltrate the darkness with light  and more conscious directions.

A system similar to BitTorrent spreading solutions that work on a more conscious level than the money/fame game propagation, where we could connect and spread real solutions to real problems regardless of what dimensions we are at in interdimensional balance we could cooperate through such a network spreading technological awareness and methods to combat the corruption of power/evil/money/greed, both within ourselves and by introducing light into our actions.

Another Way Of Finding Bottlenecks

You can bet some governments have such tools already, to find the bottlenecks quick, it is the corrupt and money/power structure and the inequality which is the real issue, but with a spread of more actual situational data for a wider world, a level of ignorance can be reduced, and thus countries, if possible, could perhaps work better together. The use of Artificial Intelligence is scary to many, but if just for calculation of all different already tried systems of operation on a given set of situations at hand, even if there are random new events occuring since technology changes also over time, a system that would be able to help both citizens and law enforcement but where law enforcement was rapidly exposed if breaking rules of conduct, in the sense of attacking it's citizens, and vice versa, the measures of tried and learned situations, to end police brutality as well as giving crowd uproar a potential healing. Because haven't we already had crowd uproars many times? And haven't we already learnt some things throughout history? What drives it and why, it is a cry of injustice, but often one which is picked up by bad apples that have grown angry at the government too, and hence thrive on showing their anger in such uprisings, and when the police attacks the masses, well, trust is reduced yet again, it is a bad loop one can learn from.

How can democracy "grow up", well today it is shameful to claim it is actually democracy one is running if it is not for the people it was supposed to be for.

Monetary control of government, science and the works of human development is an era in which we need real conscious changes, otherwise we will see a collapse at some point, even though some forces might wish for that to happen, then there needs to be a balance or it will fail, so be part of the solution or be part of the problem, time will tell what actually will happen, but either the discord needs to adjust itself towards some of these understandings, or go ahead in their course and suffer the consequences of doing so, the outcome is at any given moment not clear here, just writing some thoughts of what I'd  see as a more fair way of doing democracy in general, in the hope that some can find any useful ideas in this.

Freedom for the people

What is this concept? It should perhaps be freedom with responsibility, but the aim with any better version of democracy would always be to try rebuild a trust, based on learning from history. Also of course it should be more equality, and less enforced agendas of conspiratory measures. Maybe it is all an infowar, that is if you see it as a war, you've maybe lost. Once you see it as "spread solutions not problems", then there might be a win.