
Future Transport Focus

We could definitely drive the research and development of lighter weight vehicles that could even fly instead of drive on the ground costing massive amounts of money for roads and using polluting substances like gas, even though we now have some electric cars. I've seen some recent discoveries/developments of super lightweight material, which if one also added developments of drive-energies could become a future approach to faster and easier transportation. A grid and artificial inflawable programmed system could avoid in-air collisions too for these vehicles, being manual or automatically driven.

A lot of the old system of transport could be rendered obsolete and of course one would need to consider the people in the business as to what they should do if their jobs became obsolete too, as there are many ways of reconfiguring, there could be made presentational material dedicated for changes in this direction too. Important ways to think could be to see in which areas jobs could be 2much2process as a transition to new technology and better ways of thinking here. Definitely worth to note that investors and people into making this possible will have to have support from the masses of people and hence be a force to reckon with towards big capital and politicians, and that it is not an area where venture capital should be looking for income first and foremost, but to make a better world. ...hmm I wrote a lot, should be more precise and with more dedicated ideas/thoughts.. /rant..

Quiet Solar Powered Flight

A Potential For Flying Transport

Well, isn't it a dream come true if we could travel by air in a close-to silent and pleasantly comfortable vessel from A to B. I had some thoughts about using solar power and transforming this to drive anti-gravity, as in lower heights the air is dense enough to use transformation to hydrogen and heating could be done by solar power.

Researchers at MIT Newly discovered material that has properties of higher absorbing ratio for solar energy and, quote; "another key characteristic of the new material, Chou says, is that it is well matched to existing manufacturing technology", well it seems to be good news. Also possibly related research is the attempts of artificially nearing nature's photosynthesis due to its high potential compared to older solar panels of absorbing light from the sun.

As Quote: "Graphene developers edge towards new breakthroughs", "7 times lighter than air". I would say Graphene could potentially be used for/in such vessels, the lighter it is the easier to lift it from ground.

If combined panels or covering of surfaces or a set of surfaces were aimed and in-flight re-aimed towards the sun (or one could have storage need if sunlight wasn't present) one could imagine a gyroscope body with an inside automatically adjusting in a pleasant balance for passengers, while the outside received the solar energy and the underside was a combination of targeted solar energy to create heat, while transforming f.ex. water or other substance to hydrogen or other substance to create the lift from the ground, for now a rough idea that needs more brainstorming and sketch work.


Advances In 3D Printing

Additive Merged With Subtractive

The current trends lately spotted is building 3D objects by adding material, called Additive Printing. A next evolutionary step would be introducing a mix of both additive and subtractive construction.

Next Step Ideas

Intelligent materials with special properties

One could think that since some materials have properties as to change with heat / cold or in contact with eachother, changing shape or moving along constructs based on physics of smaller dimensions of size. Hence printing with MakerBots one could also create intelligent printed structures and components using particular materials that are not made just to have a static representation in the finished printed products.

A samples of such printing capabilities appearing: Stratasys printing with composite materials with predetermined visual and mechanical properties, while these machines are expensive one could possibly see an evolution towards home-printing capabilities and more affordable solutions coming. If materials were locally produced at key points across the globe one could create complex machinery, tools and more, hence alleviating huge amounts of traffic of commercial goods and reduce the emissions from heavy transport. The people in these businesses would then have to reconfigure towards another industry similar.

A "boxel" (the equivalent to a pixel for 3D printing) can be of different materials and substances too, another semi-recent example of such progress being presented:

[yt_youtube url="" width="870" height="490" responsive="yes" autoplay="no"]

Reactive Material Printing

If introducing reactional components (as f.ex. based on chemical or physical reactions during the printing process, one can f.ex. create complex working mechanisms and "living" material structures, where the materials used have reactive properties depending on f.ex. if the inner workings of said printed structure is designed to contain liquids or other later supplied materials generating reaction based mechanisms, hence printing intelligent objects.

Animating Printed Objects

One could f.ex. consider printing objects with the aim of these being able to produce changes to their structure based on water, electricity, air, etc. Any natural force which can be applied to said objects printed with the aim of being an animated sculpture, be it for art or for creation of other structures, as tools, as entertainment or as components of new machinery yet not seen.

[yt_youtube url="" width="870" height="490" responsive="yes" autoplay="no"]

[yt_youtube url="" width="870" height="490" responsive="yes" autoplay="no"]


[yt_youtube url="" width="870" height="490" responsive="yes" autoplay="no"]

"Recycling Revolution"

One could make a grid and streaming mechanism for material sorting into different ligaments/materials for later use for local 3D printing, hence ensuring recycling locally, no more garbage bins and huge thrash-grounds, but rather a channeling system similar to our sewage system though areas towards either common ligament/material production for particular things, or local printing distribution logistics towards who which needs the material.


"3D Printed Circuitry"

[yt_youtube url="" width="870" height="490" responsive="yes" autoplay="no"]

Read more here: Voxel8 Article on

Read more about recent 3D printers in this article:  3D Printer Guide at


3D Printed Light Machines


One will see the potential of printing of light machines, consisiting of complex crystal-like nano-architecture and hence multiply computing (and hence reality generation) dimensionally. Hence one could see a new breed of cameras and computers, devices of/with light storage and functionality, rather than pixel and electricity based systems all together.

The free energy would then be for these former electric devices the administration of light from the sun, and the resolution of both cameras and capture / transmition of light&sound can reach new dimensions alltogether, with also a growing fiberoptic internet which also could be driven less by electronics and more by light-driven mechanisms. While there are also other alternative energy sources to explore which has been discovered, magnetics and more, 3D printing could bring about a future with much less power consumption for consumer products of any kind.

Beyond Electricity

Was going to write an article here about assorted other ways of energy-related operation of planetary constructs, at a different but possibly reachable state.

Light-technology and 3D printed crystal-like structures, complex mirroring schematics printed

Organic matter used in printing mechanisms and hence ability to make self-sustainable feedable energy sources, not needing electricity but other "food", is a food for thought model too.

- What would you feed such a device? Well, it could be based on your own disposals, hence a perpetuation of consumption => power. 

Assorted found online

"Aether power" an interesting article on ancient anti-gravity technology ideas here. 

Thermal / sun power battery idea the Virtual Battery Thermal / sun power battery idea, here.

Energetic Forum.