The Moment Of Now
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- Category: Awareness
- Last Updated: Monday, 16 January 2017
- Hits: 1318
The Moment Of Now
As has been said by great teachers I've heard, it is the ever existing phrase "this too shall pass". What is and what isn't happening in our situation might have many interpretations and meanings to different people who are connected to what progresses. We are in a developmental state where we wish to see past pain and suffering towards a better future. It is a normal state of awareness for some to focus with the mind and "divide and compare", a phrase I feel could be fitting to how different belief systems tend to wish to transmit a message of who is the better way, what is the better and how it is supposed to be, these are forces of consciousness in a mix of what I'd like to see as a fluid dynamic state of positives and negatives energywise. We see representations of fear and pain, but it does not mean we can not focus our energies toward understanding and finding solutions towards letting these states be resolved with time and healing. Nor shall these representations scare us from focusing on transformative processes of learning and developing as people, as a world of people, as we are all interdependent on each other, no matter where you are from or what you believe in.
Our intention, as it is towards positive changes and looking forward, will be on here to share visions of how things could get better on many levels in society, how we can reintroduce more conscious behavior and perhaps resonate in a positive manner a knowledge ever developing through what sources will come through this channel, towards more enlightenment and better ways which could come, which is already happening to some, and which you can use as a source of hope for something amazing, as well as contribute to by contemplation and focusing healing energies and helping the actual happening of ideas and visions presented if they resonate well with you too.
Focus on awareness
Awareness Of Nature
We wish to share concerns and states which we could transcend from when we consider how we treat nature and how we can live in more peace with nature and overcome limitations of changes in climate, reduce impact of climate change where possible, and extend awareness of how this can be achieved with both references and ideas towards better ways we could develop as a spiritual species over time, more in tune with the spirit of nature.
Awareness Of Suffering
We wish to spread knowledge of ways to limit suffering and both teach and learn how we can deal with changes in how we address suffering and what we do to alleviate it over time.
Awareness Of Conflicts
We wish to contribute innovations and see where the real problems are in conflicts that manifest, to resolve these in as peaceful a manner as possible with understanding of the sides involved, to bring to ease tensions which are present, particularly in experiences of wars, ongoing or past, more to think about to define what conflict really is and the basis of transcendence from such intermediate states of unrest over time.
Well, more to come..
Handling The Idea Of Crime Better
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- Category: Awareness
- Last Updated: Monday, 16 January 2017
- Hits: 1298
What is and has been considered a crime:
The Origin Of The Word Crime
crime (n.) mid-13c., "sinfulness," from Old French crimne (12c., Modern French crime), from Latin crimen (genitive criminis) "charge, indictment, accusation; crime, fault, offense," perhaps from cernere "to decide, to sift" (see crisis). But Klein (citing Brugmann) rejects this and suggests *cri-men, which originally would have been "cry of distress" (Tucker also suggests a root in "cry" words and refers to English plaint, plaintiff, etc.). Meaning "offense punishable by law" is from late 14c. The Latin word is glossed in Old English by facen, also "deceit, fraud, treachery." Crime wave first attested 1893, American English.
A reflection of the above: Is crime the same as sin? And if so, who are not sinners? "Cry of distress", to me it sounds like the sum of cries of distress here often come from so called criminals too, and also in a very big and actual effect from mother nature herself, the planet, all souls races and beings, a cry of distress, hence one could go into a categorization of what crime really is according to what general knowledge has perceived it as:
The stereotypes of crimes from recent media coverage and cultural memory
Burglary, criminal damage, robbery, sexual offences, violent crimes, fraud, corruption, drug (ab)use, wrongful handling of possessions, breaching local or bigger perspective set rules of law, crimes against humanity, crimes against nature and natural resources, crimes against animals, crimes of pollution, crimes of disinformation, crimes of politically shaped information to suppress people's freedom, crimes of bigger forces against smaller underdogs, crimes being any form of limitation of potential for bettering of any universal condition, as a bigger perspective it relates to the freedom we wish for, who are the real perpetrators of taking away that freedom, what and who is to blame for which said crime in this soup of incidents, and the scale and proportion of each set of crime labeling.
Media mentioning "crime":
BBC News Crime Statistics (2014.11.18),
Crimes Of Perspective, the Media As Criminals
Recent media coverage has been at a general low level proven by statistics to be worse than the state of monkeys, an extremely low truth vs propaganda ratio when it comes to actual world situations. Check this TED talk:
How Not To Be Ignorant About The World
We can work on this, people, we can spread a more correct situational understanding across country borders to limit the ignorance.
Illuminati? Death & Love culture through Facebook propaganda and email terrorism mindcontrol, well I've been subject to it from here, is this also not a crime against humanity? Such a huge crime should not go unnoticed. Being aware of what propaganda in news is doing, is a way of combatting the spread of satanic ignorance bs.
Crimes Of Perspective, Social Networking Limitation Of Freedom And Rights
Some social media platforms limit us as people from thriving when they limit our rights to express ourselves, limit our rights to have nicknames for artists, and force-feed advertising on videoclips. They take our social data and use it, we all know this and also are aware that it is used to do subliminal mind control of people through the "quote-machine" which attacks some people and promote lower realm ignorance in the manner that it is helpful. I guess that is the pages and networks' own decision to do so, but that also can become a mind control machine creating a negative direction compared to human evolution as a whole. At least I have seen this from here.
Crimes Of Perspective, Internet Controllers
Limitation of freedom by big capital and corporations bribed, legislations and attempts from big content deliverers to hijack a free internet, which creates "cries of distress" from any smaller vendors, artists and/or people, even bigger groups, to reach others around the world if all that talks is the money it takes to pay the ISPs which already get paid from each and every user of their internet connections. Some methods of division of flow towards the most effective based on a whole of available bandwidth is being done of course to optimize it, but when capital controls that from the outside, I see that as a crime against humanity too. A crime against liberty of the internet.
Crimes Of Perspective, Governments And Their Actions
Governments not serving their people, but rather criminalizing them and making a huge difference between rich and poor, by introducing money and power of the rich to influence politics which proclaim to be called "Democracy" is a crime in it self to the very term thereof. A paranoid government comes from the fear of their own people perhaps, but knowing what they have been doing secretly monitoring their own citizens and taking away their privacy, I know there is a way where this could be "good" as it would enable better control of crime-ridden areas, but it is still a violation of privacy and freedom, which some governments proclaim to be advocates of. I've been writing on another article about more "true" democracy, but it might be a long-shot to find a common ground between today's system and the potential better which is more based on crowd-sourced ideas with attached potential effectuators of such ideas, along with more local control of voting on actual changes people wish for in any region of any country, well it is a loosely thought out idea. What does a rich elite gathering in closed doors deciding the fate of citizens have to do with real democracy? Well it has been poisoned by money and corrupt power many places and is not deserving of using the term in that respect.
Crimes Of Perspective, Corporations And Their Actions
More to come..
Crimes Of Perspective, Police State Mentality
More to come..
Is It A Crime To Live?
Ok, aim here is to add samples of where we go wrong and create an unstable world, why it happens and what we can learn to handle the current situation better, to extend our possibilities of thriving and developing out of the whole concept of "doom and gloom", to see it for what it is, a marketing trend and a propagation of unhealthy deceitful actions, to see who are the biggest influencers in a less naive perspective, and to present a possibility of new ways to look at what crime really is and what needs to change to make the world better, it is just theory but might shed light on something resonating to some with a power, namely YOU to change towards less ignorance to this happening.