Depression Awareness
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- Category: Awareness
- Last Updated: Monday, 16 January 2017
- Hits: 1320
Depression can take on many forms. Here I would like to share some of my experiences with it from a long time ago. I do not consider myself as depressed now really, there are other things I deal with though, but yeah, depression to me is a state where you can not manage to cry or laugh, where feeling happy is something the mind of some reason thinks is not possible. It can come sneaking into you over time, and it is all from going for a long time having negative thoughts, or also it could be several other things, like loss of someone you care about, or a relationship of any kind. It could come from severe trauma too, but then there are other factors also to consider. Well, depression to me was an experience of a close to total lack of motivation, a state where you just wished to escape your mind but couldn't, where existing in a moment seemed impossible, yet you couldn't escape it. I could write a lot about the feelings, but for now that is enough.
The Solution For Me
My solution to get out of depression back then, after two years of being in the above mentioned situation, was to start believing that as a matter of logic; I was human, and humans are capable of feeling happy, it was illogical that I shouldn't also be. It took a few months where I held this belief firmly, repeated it to myself, worked with myself by listening to Anthony Robins tapes and other things, and then one day I was in the shower and suddenly it felt nice to shower. I ended up showering 4 times a day for a while, and that was the start for me on the path to get out of it.
Notes On Medicines
I was given a lot of different medicines which I feel did more harm than good, awareness of this might be a good thing, some medicines promise relief while not really being a good solution at all. Maybe I could write more here later. Depression is tough, if you are a sufferer of such, I know.
For God's sake, realize that a lot of psychopharmaca has potential "end-of-the-world" consequences, so you really need to consider the effect on people and their ability to both trust and treat each other in proper ways.
A Fluid Dynamic Reality
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- Category: Awareness
- Last Updated: Monday, 16 January 2017
- Hits: 1318
Reality as a fluid dynamic system of an universe with infinite potential
Well as I have no way of telling for sure how things really relate here I am just speculating on which challenges we have when we consider different belief systems, different people, tribes, generations, configurations of knowledge and all factors defining any person really, as an energy thing which creates a dynamic mass of distribution of energies of emotional states, of political situations, of wishes and desires, of right and wrong conduct within these systems, all this is as an energy field which has negative and/or positive factors. We could see these challenges as a path to find where friction occurs. Obviously in areas of war and poverty, in areas of other challenges in energy needs and where an uneven distribution of leaders vs workers and all configurations connect in healthy or unhealthy ways, and all this also in scales of healthy versus unhealthy ways to nature.
Big Data
So to use "big data" strategies to define and learn in a process of finding best practices has to compare so many factors that normal political and human debate seems like driving more of a negative way as a whole, than a system able to calculate best paths and be aware of the needs of different states and regions of the world. This is just a free flow of thoughts.
Some like to disregard spiritualism and alternative thinking, which I feel is non beneficial, as we could be aware of any force of any belief in any circumstance as a factor in this system to see where the "bottlenecks" are, where change is most important.
As we today have areas of conflict due to extremist beliefs and whatever violent systems dominating any region of the world, we could interpret this and process this in many ways really. What is real here? What the challenge is, there could be many interpretations within a belief in an infinite universe state for any given moment. It depends on which belief you are willing to adopt as your belief, what really is possible here. We know how media portrays messages of fear and these horrors happening, and media has been ridden by a lot of deceitful and deceptive behavior for a long time really. Who is to be blamed for what incident, and whatever a news channel is willing to transmit dominates (more on this to follow).
Assorted references to research found more or less related to this article:
"6 Shifts In Consciousness" (Source:
"An Emotional Agent Model Based on Granular Computing" (Source:
Experimental Universal Visions
Reality as a matrix, is a system where every person has their energy of both good and bad, wrong and right, spiritual healing or damage, the potential of the universe is as I've been told "infinite", but it does have different levels of conscious versus unconscious behavior, which is a key issue to be aware of at current time of writing. We all wish for peace and cooperation between both police, government, people with money and people without, we need a balance, basically IF you wish to survive at all, as I sort of am here on God's behalf, I think, well idk what he really thinks of me anyway, but yeah. We need to stop lying and cheating, stop exploiting others, stop all levels of possible sin you can think of and wise up (or, basically, you will "burn in hell", which I have no real idea what will be like), so yeah, maybe an idea to at least try now eh!? Hmm.. Yeah more later..