Words Trigger Meaning, Memories, And Emotions

A personal reflection:

It is peculiar how language and words in general trigger certain meanings, memories and emotions. How I see words is a bit different than general, as I often ponder how words touch me differently depending on from what angle I see them, and in what meaning I put into them. When you for example see how claiming one thing is "better", what does that mean really? The word "better" obviously is in regard to some configuration of anyone using it as to promote their view of what is "better", but it implies something else being "worse" right? Well it was just one sample of how the mind tend to divide and hence so many configurations in an intertwined reality can create tension spots where you have polarities of different opinions on what is "better" or "worse". So in any combination of these factors one has to find a middle way, where there is some better for one side and some better for the other side of it, while accepting some "worse" on both sides for it to work.

Negative versus positive, to me? Is a factor which can be difficult to be capable of processing as quick and easily as others due to my diagnosis and sensitivity for stress. Often many factors is at play at the same time in my brain with these words. You have factors which some think, as with "better" and "worse" as "positive" for them, while they might be "negative" for someone else, again we see polarities which depends on whatever side of any position you'd like to take towards whatever matters. This however can also generate tension between "forces". So many language constructs and you get a chaotic mix of forces that might be difficult to cope with once you dive into the depths of understanding complex conflicts anywhere. These might be in any dimension of size, like anything from a part of your physical body which is sick or damaged, to a whole world of different belief systems, political opinions and controlling entities.

Balancing forces, well I'll write more about this as I am coming back to some of the same issues as in this article.

With the power of words as thoughts, one can wonder what they might produce, and words used responsively and intelligently towards a positive outcome is of preference usually, still we as a society have fell for a strategy in the past of using words to divide. How can we use words to connect and find solutions. Ok this needs more work, but I do have difficulties when it comes to what other's see in words, and what I see, as I often end up seeing several things, but when I am stressed I tend to focus on some negative aspects of it, "critically" but then non-beneficial really, energywise. That is the change, looking for lessons and learning, and letting go of the negative implications and memories, that is a real challenge but one that is necessary.



The Power Of Intention

Awareness Of The Power Of Intention And Conscious Thought

The power of intention is such an important factor in these times I feel. If there is a God or God(s) of any belief system you believe in, the idea with intention would be to focus on the good sides of any belief system, or if you do not hold any particular belief in any God(s), to focus on the good sides of progress.

We're dealing with some negative influences from all areas which are limiting and does not solve any problems whatsoever. If this is from my perspective or not it doesn't matter, what matters is focusing on how you think and what influences you. So one of the keys to progress this world to a better state is that channeling of intentions and letting go of past bad memories, present traumatic events would, if focused on with disbelief and hopelessness not really solve much, on the other hand if seen with compassion and positive intention to better conditions, well there you have one of the keys to progress.

I'll try think of how war situations could be solved in better ways than propagation of trauma, as I feel people have negative impact of trauma of course, these memories is one of the key parts of anyone's existence, which could potentially be tuned by new research in science, but also with trying to focus on conscious thoughts and energies.

Subconscious Trauma Processing & Thoughts About Opposing Emotions

I had some thoughts today about how, if you for example think, or fear, that "others will think this", that is a driving force you can be aware of that might generate that reality for you (worst case), but if you are able to convince yourself, your deepest self that it is not the case, that people actually will like this or that, it is an intentional positive force. Well there are many angles of looking at how conscious and subconscious thoughts can dominate your experience of the world, unrelated to what happens anywhere where there are horrible things in the world; in areas where there is not, this focus can be, as I wrote a bit about in another post, a way of transcendence.

More on this later. I try focusing on conscious thoughts, but have had this experience myself of guilt inside, which is more of a mix of "they will think this because of that, even if it isn't true they will think it", and when you think that way you might contribute to that manifestation actually. So, well it might be difficult for some to understand, but maybe some will understand it.

Assorted Links:

Some good ideas on intention